Fairness and bias correction in Machine Learning

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Spanish version: Equidad y corrección de sesgos en Aprendizaje Automático

Work in progress.

Fairness criteria in classification problems[1]

In classification problems, an algorithm learns a function to predict a discrete characteristic Y.JPG, the target variable, from known characteristics X.JPG. We model A.JPG as a discrete random variable which encodes some characteristics contained or implictly encoded in X.JPG that we consider as sensitive characteristics (gender, ethnicity, sexuality, etc.). We finally denote by R.JPG the prediction of the classifier. Now let us define three main criteria to evaluate if a given classifier is fair, that is, if its predictions are influenced by some of this sensitive variables.


We say the random variables R,A.JPG satisfy independence if the sensitive characteristics A.JPG are statistically independent to the prediction R.JPG, and we write RbotA.JPG.

We can also express this notion with the following formula:


This means that the probability of being classified by the algorithm in each of the groups is equal for two individuals with different sensitive characteristics.

Yet another equivalent expression for equivalence can be given using the concept of mutual information between random variables, defined as


In this formula, H.JPG is the entropy of the random variable. Then R,A.JPG satisfy independence if I(R,A).JPG.

A possible relaxation of the indepence definition include introducing a positive slack EpsMq0.JPG and is given by the formula:


Finally, another possible relaxation is to require IndependenceRel2.JPG.


We say the random variables R,A,Y.JPG satisfy separation if the sensitive characteristics A.JPG are statistically independent to the prediction R.JPG given the target value Y.JPG, and we write RbotAbarY.JPG.

We can also express this notion with the following formula:


This means that the probability of being classified by the algorithm in each of the groups is equal for two individuals with different sensitive characteristics given that they actually belong in the same group (have the same target variable).

Another equivalent expression, in the case of a binary target rate, is that the true positive rate and the false positive rate are equal (and therefore the false negative rate and the true negative rate are equal) for every value of the sensitive characteristics:


Finally, a possible relaxation of the given definitions is the difference between rates to be a positive number lower than a given slack EpsMq0.JPG, instead of equals to zero.


We say the random variables R,A,Y.JPG satisfy sufficiency if the sensitive characteristics A.JPG are statistically independent to the target value Y.JPG given the prediction R.JPG, and we write YbotAbarR.JPG.

We can also express this notion with the following formula:


This means that the probability of actually being in each of the groups is equal for two individuals with different sensitive characteristics given that they were predicted to belong to the same group.

Relationships between definitions

Finally, we sum up some of the main results that relate the three definitions given above:


Most statistical measures of fairness rely on different metrics, so we will start by defining them. When working with a binary classifier, both the predicted and the actual classes can take two values: positive and negative. Now let us start explaining the different possible relations between predicted and actual outcome:
Confusion matrix
  • True positive (TP): The case where both the predicted and the actual outcome are in the positive class.
  • True negative (TN): The case where both the predicted and the actual outcome are in the negative class.
  • False positive (FP): A case predicted to be in the positive class when the actual outcome is in the negative one.
  • False negative (FN): A case predicted to be in the negative class when the actual outcome is in the positive one.

This relations can be easily represented with a confusion matrix, a table which describes the accuracy of a classification model. In this matrix, rows and columns represent instances of the predicted and the actual cases, respectively.

By using this relations, we can define multiple metrics which can be later used to measure the fairness of an algorithm:

  • Positive predicted value (PPV): the fraction of positive cases which were correctly predicted out of all the positive predictions. It is usually referred to as precision, and represents the probability of a positive prediction to be right. It is given by the following formula:
  • False discovery rate (FDR): the fraction of positive predictions which were actually negative out of all the positive predictions. It represents the probability of a positive prediction to be wrong, and it is given by the following formula:
  • Negative predicted value (NPV): the fraction of negative cases which were correctly predicted out of all the negative predictions. It represents the probability of a negative prediction to be right, and it is given by the following formula:
  • False omission rate (FOR): the fraction of negative predictions which were actually positive out of all the negative predictions. It represents the probability of a negative prediction to be wrong, and it is given by the following formula:
  • True positive rate (TPR): the fraction of positive cases which were correctly predicted out of all the positive cases. It is usually referred to as sensitivity or recall, and it represents the probability of the positive subjects to be classified correctly as such. It is given by the formula:
  • False negative rate (FNR): the fraction of positive cases which were incorrectly predicted to be negative out of all the positive cases. It represents the probability of the positive subjects to be classified incorrectly as negative ones, and it is given by the formula:
  • True negative rate (TNR): the fraction of negative cases which were correctly predicted out of all the negative cases. It represents the probability of the negative subjects to be classified correctly as such, and it is given by the formula:
  • False positive rate (FPR): hte fraction of negative cases which were incorrectly predicted to be positive out of all the negative cases. It represents the probability of the negative subjects to be classified incorrectly as positive ones, and it is given by the formula:

Other fairness criteria

The following criteria can be understood as measures of the three definitions given on the first section, or a relaxation of them. In the following table we can see the relationships between them.

Now let us define all this measures specifically:


Fairness can be applied to machine learning algorithms in three different ways: preprocessing the data used in the algorithm, optimization during the training, or post-processing the answers of the algorithm.


Algorithms correcting bias at preprocessing remove information concerning variables in the dataset which can result in unfair decisions of the AI, while trying to alter just the bare minimum of this data. This is not as easy as just removing the sensitive variable, because other attributes can be related to the protected one.

The way to do this is by mapping each individual in the initial dataset into an intermediate representation in which its impossible to identify if it belongs to a particular protected group, while maintaining as much information as possible. Then, the new representation of the data is adjusted to get the maximum accuracy in the algorithm.

This way, individuals are mapped into a new multivariable representation where the probability of any member of a protected group to be mapped to a certain value in the new representation is the same as the probability of an individual which doesn’t belong to the protected group. Then, this representation is used to obtain the prediction for the individual, instead of the initial data. As the intermediate representation is constructed giving the same probability to individuals inside or outside the protected group, this attribute is hidden to the classificator.

An example is explained in Zemel et al. [3] where a multinomial random variable is used as intermediate representation. In the process, the system is encouraged to preserve all the information except those that can lead to biased decisions, and to obtain a prediction as accurate as possible.

On the one hand, this procedure has the advantage that the preprocessed data can be used for any machine learning task. Furthermore, the classifier doesn’t need to be modified, as the correction is applied to the dataset before processing. But on the other hand, the other methods obtain better results in accuracy and fairness.[4]

Instead of saying a classifier is biased we can define the discrimination itself of a dataset. One such proposal is the following:

  • Given a dataset D we say that the discrimination in D with respect to the group <math>A = a></math> is defined as:
<math> disc_{A=a}(D) = \frac{|\{X\in D| X(A) \neq a, X(Y) = +\}|}{|\{X \in D | X(A) \neq a \}|} - \frac{|\{X\in D| X(A) = a, X(Y) = +\}|}{|\{X \in D | X(A) = a \}|}</math>

That is, an approximation of the probability of belonging in the positive class given that you have a sensitive value different from a minus the probability of belonging in the positive class given you have a sensitive value equal to a.


‘’’Reweighing’’’ is a possible solution. The idea is to assign a weight to each dataset point such that the weighted discrimination is 0 with respect to the designated group.

If the dataset D was unbiased the sensitive variable A and the target variable Y would be statistically independent and the probability of the joint distribution would be the product of the probabilities as follows:

<math>P_{exp}(A=a \wedge Y = +) = P(A = a) \times P(Y = +) = \frac{|\{X \in D | X(A) = a\}|}{|D|} \times \frac{|\{X \in D| X(Y) = + \}|}{|D|}</math>

In reality, however, the dataset is not unbiased and the variables are not statistically independent so the observed probability is:

<math>P_{obs}(A=a \wedge Y = +) = \frac{|\{X \in D | X(A) = a \wedge X(Y) = +\}|}{|D|}</math>

To compensate for the bias, lower weights to favored objects and higher weights to unfavored objects will be assigned. For each <math>X \in D </math> we get:

<math> W(X) = \frac{P_{exp}(A = X(A) \wedge Y = X(Y))}{P_{obs}(A = X(A) \wedge Y = X(Y))}</math>

Once we have for each X a weight associated <math>W(X)</math> we compute the weighted discrimination with respect to group <math>A = a</math> as follows:

<math> disc_{A=a}(D) = \frac{\sum W(X) X \in \{X\in D| X(A) \neq a, X(Y) = +\}}{\sum W(X) X \in \{X \in D | X(A) \neq a \}} - \frac{\sum W(X) X \in \{X\in D| X(A) = a, X(Y) = +\}}{\sum W(X) X \in \{X \in D | X(A) = a \}}</math>

It can be shown that after reweighting this weighted discrimination is 0.

Optimization at training time

Another approach is correcting the bias at training time. This is done by adding constraints to the optimization objective of the algorithm.[5] These constraints force the algorithm to improve fairness, by keeping the same rates of certain measures for the protected group and the rest of individuals. For example, we can add to the objective of the algorithm the condition that the false positive rate is the same for individuals in the protected group and the ones outside the protected group.

The main measures used in this approach are false positive rate, false negative rate and overall misclassification rate. It is possible to add just one or several of these constraints to the objective of the algorithm. Note that the equality of false negative rates implies the equality of true positive rates so this implies the equality of opportunity. After adding the restrictions to the problem it may turn intractable, so a relaxation on them may be needed.

This technique obtains good results in improving fairness while keeping high accuracy, and lets the programmer to choose the fairness measures to improve. However, each machine learning task may need a different method to be applied and the code in the classifier needs to be modified, which isn’t always possible.[4]

Adversarial debiasing

We train two classifiers at the same time through some gradient-based method (f.e.: gradient descent). The first one, the ‘’predictor’’ tries to accomplish the task of predicting Y, the target variable, given X, the input, by modifying its weights W to minimize some loss function <math>L_{P}(\hat{y},y)</math>. The second one, the ‘’’adversary’’’ tries to accomplish the task of predicting A, the sensitive variable, given <math>\hat{Y}</math> by modifying its weights U to minimize some loss function <math>L_{P}(\hat{z},z)</math>. (Figure)

An important point here is that in order to propagate correctly, <math>\hat{Y}</math> above refers to the raw output of the classifier, not the discrete prediction; for example, with a artificial neural network and a classification problem, <math>\hat{Y}</math> could refer to the output of the softmax layer (link).

Then we update U to minimize <math>L_{A}</math> at each training step according to the gradient <math>\nabla_{U}L_{A}</math>. And we modify W according to the expression:

<math> \nabla_{W}L_{P} - proj_{\nabla_{W}L_{A}}\nabla_{W}L_{P} - \alpha \nabla_{W}L_{A}</math>

where <math> \alpha </math> is a tuneable hyperparameter that can vary at each time step.

The intuitive idea is that we want the ‘’predictor’’ to try to minimize <math>L_{P}</math> (therefore the term <math> \nabla_{W}L_{P}</math>) while, at the same time, maximize <math>L_{A}</math> (therefore the term <math>- \alpha \nabla_{W}L_{A}</math>), so that the ‘’adversary’’ fails at predicting the sensitive variable from <math>\hat{Y}</math>.

The term <math>- proj_{\nabla_{W}L_{A}}\nabla_{W}L_{P}</math> prevents the ‘’predictor’’ from moving in a direction that helps the ‘’adversary’’ decrease its loss function. See Figure 2.

It can be shown that training a classification model ‘’predictor’’ with this algorithm decreases demographic parity (link) with respect to training it without the ‘’adversary’’.


The final method tries to correct the results of a classifier to achieve fairness. In this method we have a classifier which returns a score for each individual and we need to do a binary prediction for them. High scores are likely to get a positive answer, while low scores are likely to get a negative answer, but we need to adjust the threshold to determine when to answer yes or no depending on our needs. Note that variations in the threshold affect the trade-off between true positive rate and true negative rate.

If the score function is fair in the sense that it’s independent of the protected attribute, then any choice of the threshold will also be fair, but this type of classifiers tend to be biased, so we may need to set a different threshold for each protected group to achieve fairness. A way to do this is plotting the true positive rate against the false negative rate at various threshold settings (this is called ROC curve) and check which threshold satisfies that the rates are equal for the protected group and the rest of the individuals.[6]

The advantages of post-processing include that the technique can be applied after any classifiers, without modifying it, and has a good performance in fairness measures. The cons consist of the need to access to the protected attribute in test time and the lack of choice in the balance between accuracy and fairness.[4]

Reject Option based Classification (ROC)

Given a classifier let <math>P(+|X)</math> be the probability computed by the classifiers as the probability that the instance X belongs to the positive class +. When <math>P(+|X)</math> is close to 1 or to 0 the instance X is specified with high degree of certainty to belong to class + or - respectively. However, when <math>P(+|X)</math> is closer to 0.5 the classification is more unclear.

We say X is a ‘’rejected instance’’ if <math>max(P(+|X), 1-P(+|X)) \leq \theta</math> with a certain <math>\theta</math> such that <math>0.5 < \theta < 1</math>.

The algorithm of ‘’ROC’’ consists on classifying the non rejected instances following the rule above and the rejected instances as follows: if the instance is an example of a deprived group (<math>X(A) = a</math>) then label it as +, otherwise label it as -.

We can optimize different measures of discrimination (link) as functions of <math>\theta</math> to find the optimal <math>\theta</math> for each problem and avoid becoming discriminatory against the privileged group.


  1. Solon Barocas; Moritz Hardt; Arvind Narayanan, Fairness and Machine Learning, http://www.fairmlbook.org, 2019.
  2. Sahil Verma; Julia Rubin, Fairness Definitions Explained, (IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Software Fairness, 2018).
  3. Plantilla:Cita web
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 Plantilla:Cita web
  5. Plantilla:Cita web
  6. Plantilla:Cita web